Christopher de Diego: What Your Marketing…
Christopher de Diego: What Your Marketing Analytics Are Really Telling You

Marketing analytics have come a long way in the last few years. Thanks to machine learning and web frameworks with built-in analytic widgets, any business can get detailed analytics on who is using their product and consuming their ads.
However, just because you have the analytics, doesn’t mean you know how to use them. There is a lot of work that goes into reading, understanding, and presenting analytics in a way that you know how to take advantage of them.
Analytic and marketing experts are still working tirelessly every day to optimize marketing analytics for businesses. Experts like Christopher de Diego, who has been leading the industry in marketing strategy and analysis.
I actually had a chance to talk with Christopher de Diego, and I asked him what businesses and entrepreneurs can learn from analytics and to explain just how worthy of investment they are.
Your Target Audience
One of the main reasons that businesses use marketing analytics is because they are a great way to figure out who your target audience is. Christopher de Diego told me just how specific these analytics can be.
You can figure out the gender, ethnicity, location, and just about anything else about your target audience. While it was viable to target everyone under the sun in the past, nowadays, businesses strongly prefer to target specific groups of people. This has been proven to be much more profitable and net a much higher ROI.
Your Non-Audience
Christopher de Diego actually emphasized the importance of knowing who you shouldn’t market towards. The reason is that you can save a lot of money by dropping your marketing towards these people entirely.
If your lifetime profit from a specific customer will return less money than you invested in getting them, then you will lose a lot of money. Analytics help show who you’re not going to convert, no matter how much money you invest in trying to convince them to come in.
According to Christopher de Diego, analytics can tell you a lot more than who’s checking out your product. They can actually tell you who sees your marketing and actually convert it to a sale.
Conversions, of course, can be more than just sales. Analytics can tell you whether your ads are leading to people subscribing to your newsletter/website and whether those subscriptions are leading to sales down the line.
This will give you a roadmap of how you should structure your business and marketing strategy.
A/B Testing Results
Christopher de Diego went into detail about A/B testing and its benefits. A/B testing is the practice of creating two versions of something and deploying them both, whether you’re making two homepages, two Calls to Action, or two product descriptions.
Next, analytics will help you understand which page had more conversions to sales or subscriptions whenever a customer goes to the page. There are many services for obtaining and analyzing A/B testing results.
Many of them require some computer knowledge, but if you have web development skills or someone on your team who does, it will just take some effort. According to Christopher de Diego, the effort and time are well worth it.
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christopher de diego
chris de diego
Marketing Analytics
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