Soldering Set Up: The Basics (Free Video!) | Jewelry


“How do I get started with soldering?” This is one of the top questions we get in our inbox. Some of the questions we’d like to ask before answering would be: What are you planning to solder? Where will you be soldering? What is your current experience with a torch? Without being able to ask the questions, here’s our answer, including a free video on how to create the best soldering set up.

Soldering is not as hard or ominous as it seems to be. It’s also not that expensive to get started. There are some basics you’ll need as well as safety guidelines you should follow. This video will offer an overview of the things that would be good to have on hand as you embark on your soldering journey and what a soldering set up could look like for you.

With the basics in hand, the keys for my soldering success have been—practice,  practice, practice! That and continually learning from the experts. One expert we turn to time and time again is Lexi Erickson. Lexi shares so much in her videos and online workshops—read Soldering Confidence for her top 5 soldering rules.

Some other great articles to read that will help fill in the technical details of the tools and materials shared in the soldering set up video:

Thanks for joining us In the Studio,

Tammy Honaman
Director of Content, Interweave

Originally published 8/7/2020.


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