Loose Women’s Coleen Nolan goes make-up free and hold hands with boyfriend Michael during shopping trip
Loose Women star Coleen Nolan was spotted enjoying a day’s shopping with her new boyfriend Michael Jones.
The TV star, who introduced Michael in an exclusive OK! interview and photoshoot, has been open about being thrilled to find love again after meeting her new partner on a dating app.
The couple, who both live near each other in Cheshire, were seen together on Thursday afternoon after a run to their local supermarket.
Coleen, 57, wore a pair of grey skinny jeans and a plaid shirt under a black puffer jacket.
Boyfriend Michael, also 57, wore blue jeans and a khaki jacket alongside a pair of wiry specs.

(Image: Eamonn and James Clarke)
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It comes after the star admitted that, while her and partner hardly ever clash, going on shopping trips together is the one thing that’s guaranteed to see them butting heads.
The TV star told her fellow panellists, including anchor Ruth Langsford and Carol McGiffin, last month: “Me and Michael don’t really argue – except when we get to the supermarket.”
She continued to explain that the rows begin as soon as they arrive at the supermarket, and continue until they’re ready to leave.
Coleen revealed: “He parks the car where I go, ‘Oh, shall I phone a cab for us to get to the front door?’ Like miles away, the overspill car park.”
As the rest of the panel fell about laughing at her admission, Coleen went on to say: “I say, ‘I could have walked to the supermarket if I’d have known we were going to park here.'”

(Image: ITV)
“So we start from there and then when we get in there, he’s one of these that everything I pick up he goes, ‘Yeah, well if you get this [other one], you get two for the price of that one [you’ve chosen].”
She also lifted the lid on another of Michael’s habits that grates on her, as he’s always on the look out for a bargain and adding time to their shop.
The former Celebrity Big Brother contestant Coleen continued: “Or, ‘that’s 20p cheaper. And I say, ‘I just want to get in, get what I need and get out.’ And he just wants to compare prices.”
Coleen’s co-star Carol McGiffin then suggested that the pair should swap partners, as Coleen’s supermarket habits are similar to her husband Mark Cassidy.
Michael, who Coleen met on Tinder, made his TV debut on a recent episode of Loose Women.

(Image: OK)
Michael, who works in logistics for a supermarket, was a guest on the ITV show where he spoke openly about how he met the TV star and recalled details of their first date and how he knew he had fallen for her.
He told the panel: “I had been on a few dates before [dating Coleen] so it wasn’t difficult, but obviously seeing Coleen’s face pop up was a bit strange.
He added: “I didn’t think for once that we’d match, let alone hear from her if I did swipe.”
“I didn’t think she’d respond as I didn’t know if she was swiping loads of people, or just the odd one.”
Once they had matched, the pair chatted for “a few weeks” over text and then, eventually, enjoyed a phone call, before arranging their first date at a pub.
The pair, who have been together since last summer, went on to share a smooch for the show’s kiss cam.
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